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Your Opportunity:Working along with other Health Care Professionals, the Laboratory Assistant 1 will provide laboratory support to the Grey Nuns Community Hospital in Edmonton. In this role, your primary responsibilities include phlebotomy for...


LAB00018612 Requisition #

Your Opportunity:You’re logical, investigative, and detail-oriented – just the kind of person we need at the Medicine Hat Regional Hospital Lab for the role of Laboratory Technologist. In this role, you help clinicians and patients get the...


LAB00018613 Requisition #

Your Opportunity:As a Driver for APL this position comes with numerous positive aspects that can be both professionally gratifying and personally fulfilling. Your work ensures that laboratory samples reach medical facilities on time, which is vital.....


LAB00018639 Requisition #

Your Opportunity:This is a multiple site position that requires Medical Lab Assistant duties in both Vermilion and Mannville. The town of Vermilion (population 4,000+) is a great place to live, work, and play. Discover K-12 public and Catholic...


LAB00018619 Requisition #

Your Opportunity:You’re precise, analytical, detail-oriented – just the kind of person we need at Alberta Precision Laboratories (APL) located in Rimbey and Sylvan Lake. You work well under pressure and are able to prioritize workload and adapt to...


LAB00018592 Requisition #

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